CNA School Business Building Mentorship Program Guest Expert: Renee Davis MSN, RN-BC. Topic: Strategies for Optimal Curriculum Development

Understanding how to develop a curriculum for the first time can be confusing. Even for a seasoned educator a new topic poses a new method of delivery and a different thought process.

As for nurses, we are clinical experts but often times it can be challenging to transfer our clinical knowledge into a written curriculum. That is where consulting an expert comes in handy!

Renee Davis MSN, RN-BC is the CEO of ProDevo Design and Consulting Group. Her passion is in providing education and professional development that engages the learner and makes the experience more memorable and meaningful for everyone involved. In other words she can help you devise a curriculum that will differentiate your school from others! With over 9 years working extensively in education in both academia and professional development you can say Renee is an expert!

The webinar on August 19th will teach you how to develop a curriculum that considers the learner during development. You will learn strategies to ensure your curriculum considers all learning styles while delivering quality content that will help your students retain the information. The information Renee has will leave you wanting more!

The CNA Instructor Consultants is pleased to have Renee share her expertise with our tribe. If you are a part of the CNA School Business Building Mentorship Program, you will automatically be enrolled in this webinar as it is a part of your mentorship package. If you are not in the mentorship program, we urge you to consider joining. This webinar is open to those not in the mentorship program. You can sign up for this webinar by clicking HERE. The cost for this webinar for non-mentorship member is $15.

If you are interested in starting a healthcare training school in your state, we can help! From CNA Schools, Phlebotomy Schools and more we can help launch a training school. Please contact us at [email protected] to learn more about our services or click here.
