Deciding to become an entrepreneur can be a scary task to tackle, especially if you lack a mentor or support. You ask your self “ Where do I start? Which way do I go? Who can I trust?” It can all seem so overwhelming that you may give up before you even get started. However, with determination, perseverance, and a strong support team, it can be done! Remember, no one determines your fate but you!
In my practice as an RN, I saw a decline in the quality of CNA’s. I felt this stemmed from multiple issues. One big issue was a lack of nurse support for CNA’s thus causing a lack of pride in their work. I also noticed that many schools seemed so fly by night, “Become a CNA in 10 days!” Are these students really getting the exposure and sense of pride that they need for the job? That’s when I decided someone has to take action and that someone would be me!
I had no idea where to start and figured lots of things out along the way. I must say I did some major head bumping along the way. I met people who were very helpful, people who donated time and money in my vision and then there where those who of course just wanted my money and gave me only half of what I needed. Unfortunately we can’t always see those people coming. Nevertheless it took me two years to get my CNA program up and running. I would like to share with you the steps to get moving in the right path. I happen to be in the state of Georgia so much of this will be Georgia based, however other states are very similar.
- Identify your authorizing body for the CNA program in your state. Each state is different. The CNA program may be governed by the Health Department, the State Board of Nursing, or a separate branch that is specific to nurse aids only. In the state of Georgia the certifying body is the later mentioned. The nurse aid-training program certifying body is the Georgia Medical Care Foundation (GMCF). Some states require you also get approval from your local Department of Education. Look into both authorizing bodies to see what you need. Every state is different and my company “The CNA Instructor Consultant’s” knows and understands each states requirements down to a science.
- In many states you are responsible for writing your own curriculum and submitting it for approval. This affords you the ability to expound upon certain aspects you may feel are important to teach and can help you create a unique set of CNA graduates that facilities will seek out. The state of Georgia requires that your curriculum be at least 85 hours of instruction, lab and facility time. You can choose more hours if you wish. Choosing a book and writing a curriculum is VERY time consuming. It took me a year to write my own. Many states are open to which book you can use but be sure to check with your state to ensure you choose an approved book. In Georgia they discuss how to write your curriculum and which books are approved at the Train the Trainer workshop. If you still feel stuck or overwhelmed, feel free to consults someone like myself who has been there and done that. I will be happy to provide a consult to help you with your curriculum. Just email me at [email protected]
- Find a nursing home that is willing to contract with you. It is a state requirement that you have a contractual agreement with a facility to bring your students to so that they may gain hands on learning. Depending on where you live and the number of schools in your area, this process can take a while. Many facilities already have contractual agreements with other CNA schools or nursing schools and may be at capacity. Also some facilities insurance do not allow them to have students in their facility. Make a list of nursing homes far and near, find out who the DON is and make contact with them. Sell your vision and school to them. Why should they let your students practice there? Will you offer their employees a discount to attend your school? Can you promise them future staff members out of your graduates? Can the two of you partner to help fill their CNA shortage?
- Submitting your curriculum and waiting for approval can take up to three months in most states. If you are lacking any documents or something needs to be corrected in your first submission, you may have additional chances to re-submit but make sure to find out how many chances you have. In some states if your curriculum fails three times, you must try again in a year so you must be diligent! In the event your curriculum passes (which it will because you will be diligent) you are contacted for a site visit by the state and the site visit can occur up to 3 months after the curriculum has been approved. It is imperative you have a site identified and all required items ready at the site for inspection. For more info on curriculum help join my email list HERE. I give out free tips to help you along the way.
- WHAT SOMEONE NEVER TOLD ME!! There are additional items that need to be submitted with your curriculum. In the state of Georgia, there are a multitude of forms you have to craft such as: Clinical sign in sheet, Class sign in sheet, instructor evaluation form, student evaluation form etc. If these are missing, you must resubmit, even though it is not part of the curriculum. If you would like more tips on the SECRETS behind starting your own CNA school, visit my YouTube channel The Secret Cocktail. There you will find videos to answer your questions and give you insight on topics of interest.
- Once your curriculum has been approved and you pass the dreaded site visit, they will let you know right then and there if you are approved to start, however you may not be able to advertise your program until you received an actual letter of approval. Being completely approved is the best felling in the world!!!
Personal words of advice: PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Have a business plan written. Ensure you have a solid marketing plan and be sure to have a strong partner (this was my failure). There is no way you can do this on your own. You need someone who is just as vested as yourself in the endeavor. Of course you will need an instructor to help teach and secretary to secure those students when they call, but you certainly need someone to help you in the background. Ordering supplies, marketing, accounting, building community partnerships, preparing for annual state inspections, cleaning the building, I mean the list goes on!!! I promise you, you cannot do it all alone. Both of you must understand this is not an instant cash business and you will initially be working for free just as you would with any other entrepreneur endeavor. However, with determination and perseverance you will strive for success and you will succeed! If you need help with your business plan, I have a solution for that HERE.
I am excited for your venture and hope this article was helpful. This is just an over view as there are many other in-depth items and situations to ponder that may come up. Never get discouraged and remember the goal in mind. You can do this! Please feel free to ask any questions below in the comments section or email me if you are more specific questions I can address. If you feel you are ready to move forward with starting your own CNA school, register for my next seminar HERE.
If you are interested in starting a healthcare training school in your state, we can help! From CNA Schools, Phlebotomy Schools and more we can help launch a training school. Please contact us at [email protected] to learn more about our services or click here.