Are you noticing in your practice as a CNA instructor, it can be challenging for some of your students to grasp the skills portion of the course? Have you had a student or two actually fail the skills portion of the state exam. Have you been in the lab with your students and noticed it can be overwhelming trying to teach a full class? Are you new to CNA instruction?
If you answered yes to any of the above then you will want to attend our webinar is on September 15th at 8:30pm EST. This is a free webinar where we will talk about what these issues mean for your CNA School, what they mean for your student and how to address these issues.
Across the board it has been identified that the skills portion of the CNA exam is much more of a problem for students to pass than the written portion of exam. Facets Healthcare Training did a study to exam what the “cost of failure” looked like for CNA students who do not pass the state exam and the results where devastating.
The image above examines the failure rates of CNA state exams for the state of Arizona and Nevada, as a whole for the year 2018. We can clearly see that in the two states above, students are more likely to fail the skills portion of the test. Furthermore we also know that students who fail the exam must retake the exam. The numbers above are not reflective of the second try failure rate but rather only the first attempt.
In Arizona alone, 767 students failed the skills exam. If each of those students decide NOT to give up and take the exam again, that would be a combined cost of $82,856 in fees for the second round of tests. ( this does not include the first round of testing fees that are now lost.) However you and I know that many of those students may have given up after the first try and never tried again.
Our students CANNOT afford this and we cannot afford to let them down. It is our job as CNA instructors to make sure that students are equipped with everything they need to pass the exam. We as nurses are knowledgeable in how to place a patient on a bedpan, BUT do we understand how the STATE wants the student to place the patient on the bedpan? Each state has a different take on the steps to do this skill. Let me give you an example. See below.

This is for ARIZONA
Do you see the big difference from Texas vs Arizona? Do you see why it is important to learn your states specific way to teach each of your skills? Do you see why understanding your resources are important? Click HERE to sign up for this webinar and let us show you how to ensure your students learn skills with mastery so they can ace the skills exam the first time.
This webinar will be conducted by Vicky Castillo MSNed, RN, CNE of Facets Healthcare Training in conjunction with The Secret Cocktail. Email [email protected] with any questions. We hope to see you there!
If you are interested in starting a healthcare training school in your state, we can help! From CNA Schools, Phlebotomy Schools and more we can help launch a training school. Please contact us at [email protected] to learn more about our services or click here.