The end of 2019 has been crazy for us! We are currently opening up three different CNA schools, filming the 2020 YouTube series, we onboarded our new team member Nikki, and we have been gearing up for our 2020 CNA school start up tour!
But we are going to get things back to normal and add a new twist. In 2019 we released our YouTube videos every Monday and this year we will continue to do so, However we want to have live sessions with you often! Take a look below at our new schedule to connect with you.
MondayMotivation – A video will be released every Monday on YouTube to keep you educated and motivated to get your CNA school up and running.
WednesdayWisdom – Meet me live on Facebook at 9am EST every Wednesday for some words of wisdom to help walk you through CNA school start up. Be sure to bring your questions, I’ll be answering them!
Be sure to mark your calendars, schedule alarms, and meet me there. I can’t wait to connect with you in 2020. It is my goal to open at least 12 CNA Schools in 2020.
Will I be opening one with you?
If you are interested in starting a healthcare training school in your state, we can help! From CNA Schools, Phlebotomy Schools and more we can help launch a training school. Please contact us at [email protected] to learn more about our services or click here.
Your Pusher,
Victoria Randle NP-C