Attention CNA Instructors and CNA School owners: There will be some big changes in Georgia with regards to nurse aide testing starting in Jan 2022. Pearson Vue will no longer administer the nurse aide exam.
A company called Credentia will now be the exam administrator for the NNAAP® exam in Georgia on behalf of Pearson VUE.. This will bring about significant changes in how your CNA students will take their exam moving forward. These changes will include the following:
- Students will now be able to take the exam remotely online on their own computer. There will be security measures and the exam will be proctored.
- There will be a nurse aide candidate support center dedicated to help students
- Use of a new nurse aide credentialing system called CNA365® will be used to monitor candidates and certified individuals.
- Schools will have access to customizable exam reports delivered electronically or access to customer reports on demand.
- Replacing the roster upload system with a new and improved verification system
- New website dedicated to nurse aide credentialing on the Georgia website
- Online voucher store to create efficient and secure voucher management.
All current school’s information will be migrated from Pearson VUE to the new Credentia CNA365® system which will cause a black out period between 1/13/22 through 1/30/22. Please note there will be NO CNA student testing during this time, nor will you be able to access students records.
Schools should also expect to attend training on the new system on early Jan 2022. Dates will be released soon by Credentia via the states website.
To read the report of change from Credentia please click HERE. For questions, please contact Credentia’s Client Success Manager, Burrell Allen at [email protected] or call 267-996-6925
This article was written by Victoria Randle MSN, NP-C, owner of The Secret Cocktail® We are a CNA school start up consulting firm. We help schools save time and money by providing expert consult to get their healthcare training school approval. We help with strategic growth for your CNA school and help you add additional programs like medical assistant, phlebotomy etc. For more info, please contact The Secret Cocktail® at 678-310-6168 or email us at [email protected].
If you are interested in starting a healthcare training school in your state, we can help! From CNA Schools, Phlebotomy Schools and more we can help launch a training school. Please contact us at [email protected] to learn more about our services or click here.