Contact Us / FAQs

Contact Us / FAQs


The federal government regulates CNA programs and has placed certain mandates in place for CNA Schools. However, every state has the ability to uphold these requirements or place additional requirements per their state statutes. Many states delegate the board of health to oversee nurse aide training programs while other states appoint the board of nursing. Take a look HERE to learn your state's requirements.

We love these questions. The answer is… ANYONE! That is right. Anyone! There is not a federal restriction against who can own a CNA school. Anyone can own a CNA school as long as you have the proper people in place to teach or oversee the entire program. Want to learn more about this? You can watch my video here on “Do I qualify to start a CNA School? HERE.

Per federal regulations, it does not specify if an RN or LPN can teach, however it states that only “nurses” with at least one year of experience can teach CNA’s. Each state has the ability to interpret this verbiage to mean RN’s only or LPN/LVN’s and RN’s. Please contact your local approval authority for this info. You can also take one of our mini-courses to learn all the specifics related to the regulation and requirements to start a CNA school HERE.

Each state, per federal requirements, must have a program coordinator (also called a program director depending on the state). This person MUST be an RN and must hold certain experiences like long term care experience. Additional experiences vary per state requirements. If you want to know more about your state's requirements we have mini-courses for that.

The program coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the CNA school is adhering to all federal regulations. In most cases, this person does not need to be a salaried employee.

Great question. This amount varies tremendously per state, per city, and considering the area of that city. However, we have devised a video to help you determine this cost for your area. Want to watch it now? No problem? You can watch HERE.

There are a handful of states that do allow CNA training to be partially online. Just to name a few: Florida, Kentucky, Iowa, and West Virginia. Since COVID, many states are now embracing this concept. But did you know you have multiple options for placing a program online? If you are interested in knowing more, watch our video HERE.

This is a course that may be required in your state in order for you to become a CNA Instructor.

This course provides guidance on adult learning principles.
It provides a solid understanding of OBRA and how OBRA regulates CNA Training.
It helps you understand your state’s requirements related to nurse aide training.

Every state has a different requirement related to Train the CNA Trainer. It is important that you learn what your state requires. For example, some states require you to take a 24-hour course, where other states do not have a minimum hour requirement for the course. In some states you can only take a state-approved course, were in other states you can take any train the trainer course. As you can see there are many confusing requirements regarding Train the CNA Trainer. You can always book a call with us to help you sort out your own personal needs. You can book a call HERE.

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